
Farrar, Straus, Giroux Books for Young Readers has published acclaimed books for children and teens since 1953, and I am proud to continue in their tradition of publishing children’s books of great literary merit. I acquire across all age ranges, and am looking for picture books, middle grade, young adult, and select nonfiction and graphic novels.

What I am looking to publish: Diverse and inclusive books that capture the complexities of children’s lives and reflect the experiences of people who have been traditionally underrepresented in publishing. I strive to publish books with broad perspectives from BIPOC creators that represent the intersectionality their identities. I acquire across all genres, but am most drawn to realistic or magical realistic settings. In novels, I love genre-crossing, pulse-pounding concepts paired with elegant literary prose. In picture books, I value a unique point of view, sparse prose, and distinctive art.

Specific areas of interest: Cultural diaspora; multi-generational households; colorism; found families; immigration;gender identity; consent; toxic masculinity; intersectional feminism; socioeconomic disparity; historical footnotes of the Global South; and niche interests and subcultures. 

In young adult, I am hungry for QTPOC rom-coms and romances; high concept, intersectional thrillers or mysteries; speculative novels that tackle current events with allegory; well-written horror stories that play with the genre’s tropes; and propulsive, high-stakes stories that elevate their genre (particularly mysteries and thrillers). I am also a HUGE fan of campy horror as well!

I would love a middle grade gentle contemporary novel about a queer-identifying young person; historical fiction focused on historical footnotes in the Global South; and gentle but contemplative stories with a touch of magical realism.

In picture books, I’m looking for contemplative, insightful and beautifully illustrated projects that tackle hardhitting topics with gentleness, and humorous, offbeat stories with larger-than-life characters.

Please note that unless we connect through a conference or Twitter pitch contest like #DVPit, I can only review agented submissions.